Require Police Transparency

We demand transparency from the Dearborn Police Department

February of 2022, Dearborn Police launched their transparency dashboard. This is a step forward for the department and provides access to some of the data that we have requested:

  • Calls to service disaggregated by call type

  • Citations disaggregated by type, race, type, sex, and age

  • Arrests disaggregated by type, race, sex, and age

Below is a 10-minute overview of the transparency dashboard, how to use it to cross-tabulate data, and what concerns persist regarding data accuracy.

In addition to the data currently available, based on recommendations from the National Association for Civilian Oversight of Law Enforcement, we demand the ongoing release of the following records:

  • Disaggregation by ethnicity, as well as by sex, age, and race

  • All traffic stops conducted including reason for the stop,

  • Citations issued disaggregated by issuing officer

  • Arrests issued disaggregated by arresting officer

  • Dearborn Police use of force reports

  • Injuries to and deaths of persons in Dearborn Police custody

  • All complaints against the Police Department and officers and their dispositions

  • All criminal proceedings regarding Dearborn Police officers, including domestic violence

  • Motions to suppress granted based on officer’s constitutional violation(s)

  • All disciplinary and non-punitive action taken against police officers

  • All awards and commendations issued by the police department

  • Police department traffic collisions, both preventable and non-preventable

  • A full report of training Dearborn police officers are required to undergo

  • Civil lawsuits and administrative claims against the police department

  • Vehicle pursuits engaged in by the Dearborn police department

  • Police Union contract with Dearborn Police Department

In order to supply these data, Dearborn Police will need to adjust their data collection procedures regarding their own activities. First, it would require the establishment and implementation of an ethnicity category for citations and arrests. This category will allow tracking of trends regarding individuals who are identified as ethnically Arab American, and Hispanic/Latinx. Second, it would require the tracking and reporting of all traffic stops, including those that do not end in citations and/or arrests.

Operational Transparency

In addition to the ongoing release of documentation and reports, the Dearborn Police operations need to become more transparent. This includes making all negotiations between Dearborn Police Department and any organized police officer labor unions public.

Transparency Resources

Other municipalities have established transparency portals. These models include:

  • Dallas Police Department’s Transparency Portal. This transparency portal provides exceptional responsive data visualizations of arrests and citations that allow visitors to the portal to quickly compare variables and identify trends in policing patterns.

  • City of Westland Police Department Transparency Portal. This transparency portal provides static reporting of data, including arrests, citations, and use of force that allows visitors to quickly develop an understanding of policing in Westland.

  • City of Minneapolis Complaints Against Police Dashboard. This transparency portal provides insight into all complaints against the police department, both aggregated and disaggregated. This allows visitors to quickly identify patterns of concerns regarding police officer conduct.

  • City of Chicago Data Dashboards. These dashboards provide information about the status of complaints against the Chicago Police Department, compliance with consent decree, and use of force. These dashboards allow visitors to quickly review Use of Force incidents, and how these incidents change over time.